Here are the articles I posted this week:
I hope you enjoy your time in these halls!
But first I’d better tell you who’s who,
So you can surely survive here too!
I added my somewhat (and hopefully more so in the future) used Disqus page which I've used to comment on previous Entertainment Fuse articles that weren't just my own and hopefully I can use it to add a comment section onto this site... Here are the articles I posted this week: "Static's review score and my hopes for the series continue to plummet in this third installment. The previous issues were enjoyable, but this one was hard to get into. Virgil's interactions during his non-super powered life are much more interesting and easier to follow than when he is Static. The action is confusing to follow as well as the story, and the Slate Gang continue to be bland. The issue as a whole was disappointing, but had a share of good qualities that will have me coming back one more time to see if Static can keep his title going." "As the JLI heads towards the final chapter of "The Signal Men," the story is starting to get an epic feel and the dialogue is sometimes witty, but multiple clichés, and a boring storyline make this issue the weakest yet in the Justice League International series." Welcome to Arkham Asylum’s padded walls.
I hope you enjoy your time in these halls! But first I’d better tell you who’s who, So you can surely survive here too!
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