Here are the articles I reprinted this week:
Another week has come and gone and you know what that means - another weekly update from your friendly neighborhood Comic Maven! This week I talked about the holographic Batcave that is in development on Comic Frontline. I also reviewed Father's Day #1 and Nova Phase #1 (which you can download for free on comiXology). Here are the articles I reprinted this week: Trade of the Month: Sweet Tooth Volume 1 Out of the Deep Woods "In "Trade of the Month" we pick one trade paperback (TPB) and everyone in the Comics section comments on it. I've reprinted my opinion below but if you'd like to see a couple other impressions go to Entertainment Fuse." Todd McFarlane's "Devil's in the Details" Sells Out "I guess people didn’t listen to my careful calculations in Todd McFarlane fan's ultimate art book. Todd McFarlane fans numbered in the many, all clamoring for this visual autobiography of the writer and president of Image Comics and Todd McFarlane Productions. The book, The Art of Todd McFarlane: The Devil’s in the Details, sold out its 5,000 copy-limited run (700 were signed-and-numbered editions)."
It has already been a week since NYCC. Still looking for NYCC news to read? This week I posted more NYCC news! Learn more about Archie Meets Predator on Comic Frontline. Then there was the mini-series announced starring Peggy Carter and Howard Stark: Operation S.I.N. Find out more about that series on Entertainment Fuse. Then I posted a preview and my first impressions of Colder: The Bad Seed #1. Check it and my first impressions out at Entertainment Fuse. I also interviewed the CEO and head writer of New World Comics Guy Hasson on Entertainment Fuse! Here are the articles I reprinted this week: Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 Review "Red Hood and the Outlaws misses the point of the New 52 and doesn't manage to do much right. The point of the re-launch is to entertain and enrapture new readers into comic books by starting a new story and not expecting the reader to know much. This comics expects you to be a connoisseur on Red Hood and Roy Harper history. None of the characters are likeable, the story is barely there, and the artwork is nowhere near as great as expected." Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 Review "Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 decides to dance through several time periods within the comic’s universe, and most of them are pretty dull, matching the mostly flat artwork. After a promising ninth issue (and I can feel the hate mail coming my way for saying this), Kurt Busiek’s latest issue may have some pretty cool moments – but not enough to measure up to my expectations, instead managing to irritate me."
Happy Friday everyone! For those of you at NYCC... I wish I could be you. This week my pal Kat West (aka Comic Uno) launched her Kickstarter for her comic Like Father, Like Daughter #1. Find out more on Entertainment Fuse. I also posted some NYCC news: Spider-Gwen is getting her own ongoing series! Here is the article I reprinted this week: Batman and Robin #18 Review "After fearing the worst when Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving were replaced in Batman and Robin I thought the series was in for a major downfall, but unlike the previous issue this story was pretty interesting. It can not really compare with the previous issues written by Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving – it tries to be dark like them by substituting Doctor Hurt with Una Nemo, but fails to reach that level. It all comes down to one major thing – the Absence. If you do not like her, you will not like this issue."
Hello everyone. Thank you all for the very kind response on my "Alpha Flight Changed My Life" post! I also did a First Look for Father's Day #1 on Comic Frontline. Here are the articles I reprinted this week: Evil Ernie #4 Review: Blasphemous... and Not in the Good Way "I was enjoying Ernie's origin story despite the series' shortcomings, but this fourth issue changes all that. Reaching an all-time low, this issue is trying my patience with writer Jesse Blaze Snider and artist Jason Craig. Even Ernie's demonic Smiley face button does more harm to readers than good!" Alpha Flight Changed My Life "The first issue I read of Alpha Flight was the first comic book I read after taking a three year hiatus from light comic book collecting. I had less than twenty comics at the time, simply a casual reader that knew bare-boned facts about Batman from the animated TV series rather than the comics and did not faithfully walk into a comic store every Wednesday in need of my weekly comic book fix. Before this one issue of Alpha Flight I was more interested in other things. This one comic took my life in a completely new direction and became my favorite series – if not for the nostalgia then for the array of colorful characters and story that I feel are lacking in most comics today." Entering a New Era: New Writer for The Darkness "In the beginning of March 2012, The Darkness will be having a new writer: David Hine, who has written for such titles as The Bulletproof Coffin, Detective Comics and The Spirit. He will be joined by artist Jeremy Haun, who is the Detective Comics creative partner and has worked on the Top Cow cross-over event of the decade: Artifacts, as well as the DC Comics title Red Hood: The Lost Days."
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