Here is the article I reprinted this week:
Hey everybody! I hope everyone had a great week. I posted one blast from the past this week but for my more current material I posted about the upcoming The Wicked & The Divine series on Comic Frontline. Also, on Entertainment Fuse I posted the latest part of my series on "Women in Comics" (yes, it's still going!) about the abuse women take in comics. Please check it out and let me know what you think are some of the most abusive situations women in comic books have suffered through in the comments below. Here is the article I reprinted this week: Action Comics #1 Review "Apparently Superman has converted back to his attitude from the original Action Comics #1 and has forgotten the other half of his costume. There is a lot of great action in this comic, but it only manages to fulfill the title and nothing else."
Hey everybody, another short update this week. Please check out my news story on Comic Frontline about the twitter war between Dan Slott (Superior Spider-Man) and Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool and my news story on Entertainment Fuse about the upcoming Deadpool vs. Carnage mini-series. Here is the article I reprinted this week: ICE #1 Review "ICE #1 is worth the dollar it costs, despite its many flaws. Most characters either are shallow or lack dimension in their characterization, and the small doses of comedy attempting to weave themselves into the plot fail to make me chuckle in any way. Instead, it leads to me shamefully facepalming for them. The art also does nothing to enhance the appeal of the comic. The decent element of this issue that makes it surprisingly enjoyable is the story."
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I added my old "Gender and Comics" survey that I originally posted for a Gender Studies class I was taking at the time under the "More" category. I'm still interested in seeing people's responses so please take a second to answer some questions and look at people's responses! Also, if you're interested in reading my most current stuff I wrote a news story about Nailbiter and interviewed Glen Brunswick (Non-Humans). Here are the articles I reprinted this week: Batman: The Dark Knight #3 Review "Batman: The Dark Knight has never been the strongest Batman series of the New 52. It is probably one of the weakest. But that still does not stop it from being a fun series. Yes, the story is all over the place with some uncreative plot points and twists, but most characters are interesting (with a ton to enjoy), the artwork is great, and sometimes the story becomes rather fascinated, though never deep."
Another couple of articles for you guys this week! Please also check out my most current review on Entertainment Fuse for The Return of Jeremy Munroe #1! Here are the articles I reprinted this week: The Creator of Facebook Comes to Comics"Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of Facebook) enters the comic book world in a new comic book simply called Mark Zuckerberg (originality abounds). The comic is produced by an independent comic book company in Vancouver, Bluewater Productions Inc, written by freelance journalist Jerome Maida, and illustrated by Sal Field." Bomb Queen Presents: All-Girl Special #1 Review "Who can be more politically incorrect than Bomb Queen? But this issue is incorrect in more than just the political way. The usual elements of Bomb Queen - nudity, violence and the Queen B herself - are noticeably scarce in this issue. The story tries to become more respectable but is hard to take seriously with Bomb Queen's motley crew, composed of super villains Miss Demeanor and Tits (guess what her power is)." DC Universe Online Legends #1 Review "Having no idea what to expect from this issue, I bought it based solely on the fact that I love playing the game and have already practically maxed out my character. I have seen a good portion of the in-game story and this comic can barely stand on it’s own. It is not just a companion piece for gamers though, but the first couple pages are actually word for word reiterations from the game that are actually annoying since people playing the game want something new and not the same re-hashed scenes. Luckily after only two pages this comic takes time expanding on the events happening after the first cut-scene of the game. The art and story are not rave-worthy, but this series could turn out to be great given the right direction."
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