I also made fixes to Worst Comic Book Covers of 2010.
Here are the articles I reprinted this week:
Another short update this week, but I have a lot of articles coming out on Entertainment Fuse so you can check out plenty of current content there. I also made fixes to Worst Comic Book Covers of 2010. Here are the articles I reprinted this week: Gotham City Sirens #17 Review "Someone please call Paul Dini and tell him to pick up a copy of Gotham City Sirens #17. Hopefully that will send him running back to do the series that has suffered so much since his departure. After suffering through issue 16, this issue’s character portrayal was decent but the story was boring and the art was terrible. The only thing worse was the way the artwork was accented by the colors."
I had to fix the "ShareThis" bar at the bottom, but other than that no issues this week! Please comment and let me know what you think of the website. My Facebook page may also be pulling a disappearing act soon since new Facebook regulations make anything posted on Facebook theirs (sorry to the 17 people who actually liked the page!). Here are the articles I reprinted this week: First Look: Batman Earth One "A comic three years in the making, Batman: Earth One will be coming on sale July 4th. Batman: Earth One is written by Geoff Johns with art by Gary Frank and Jon Sibal. Johns and Frank were the team responsible for Superman: Secret Origins and the "Shazam!" Stories in Justice League. The comic is a milestone for Johns, as it will be his first original graphic novel."
Sorry for missing last week everyone but I am back with another update! Here are the articles I reprinted this week: Worst Comic Book Covers of 2010"It was definitely a lot harder to find bad covers from 2010 then the best. While last year had handfuls of bad comics, all the covers I could think of were either creative (which usually met the standards of my Best Comic Book Covers of 2010 list) or sported decent artwork. But there are some that came pretty close to poor quality." Gotham City Sirens #16 Review "If you don't like the regular cast of Poison Ivy, Catwoman or Harley Quinn, then in this issue you're treated to Zatanna and Talia al Ghul. Unfortunately, that is the only thing you're treated too."
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