I worked as a writer for Entertainment Fuse (formerly Player Affinity) starting back in September 2009 while I was still in high school. I became the head of the comic book department in April 2011 and the editor-in-chief of the website in April 2015 before finally leaving the website to pursue other endeavors in March 2017. This was a great place to start my online presence in the world and led to me making many great friends and contacts, which helped lead me to writing for Comic Frontline and working at Action Lab Entertainment. Sadly, the website ceased to exist as of January 2020. I have reprinted my reviews, news stories, and features from the site that I could still find archived below.
Review Quotes
Comic Book Reviews
Video Game and Movie Reviews
Miscellaneous Publishers
Comic Book Covers
Comics that Should Become Movies
I'm currently in the process of adding these to my website since Entertainment Fuse is no longer online.
New 52 Year One Retrospective
Super Slam
A Who's Who of Comic Book Characters
Women in Comics: Do the Super Ladies Need Saving?
You Missed that Issue?!
Miscellaneous Features
Deadhorse #1 Review
"the best kind of weird"
Rapture Burgers Volume 1 Review
"Who knew high school melodrama could be so much fun! Rapture Burgers is a quirky comic brewing with diabolical exploits and lovable characters that will tickle your funny bone and touch your heart."
Witchblade #144 Review
"Witchblade not only has a lot of substance but sustenance too."
Bandette #1 Review
"Bandette has stolen my heart and I don't want it back anytime soon."