Way of the Sax Kickstarter
News by: Nicole D'Andria (Originally posted on October 3rd, 2012)
Started by our own Entertainment Fuse audio engineer Philip Bradbury, Way of the Sax is a three part interactive graphic novel. Not only will it be a three part story, but readers will be treated to some very innovative features including smooth fade in/out screen transitions, items to be clicked on and "collected" for an achievement system, a save option, music tailored for each panel, pseudo animation, mini-games, extra scenes, and multiple endings. Even without knowing the story I'm intrigued by these new features. It may not appeal to all comic fans who are more into the traditional comic format, but the idea that I could play mini-games while reading a comic book is surreal.
The story of Way of the Sax written, composed and programmed by Bradbury with artwork by Dave Gardiner. The graphic novel stars Ken Suto, a martial artist and jazz saxophonist. No matter what the situation, you will find Suto in a fight using the most powerful weapon of all... his saxophone. And I don't mean he fights with the power of music. He literally fights using his saxophone. Expect to see him throwing his sax into someone's face real soon!
Started by our own Entertainment Fuse audio engineer Philip Bradbury, Way of the Sax is a three part interactive graphic novel. Not only will it be a three part story, but readers will be treated to some very innovative features including smooth fade in/out screen transitions, items to be clicked on and "collected" for an achievement system, a save option, music tailored for each panel, pseudo animation, mini-games, extra scenes, and multiple endings. Even without knowing the story I'm intrigued by these new features. It may not appeal to all comic fans who are more into the traditional comic format, but the idea that I could play mini-games while reading a comic book is surreal.
The story of Way of the Sax written, composed and programmed by Bradbury with artwork by Dave Gardiner. The graphic novel stars Ken Suto, a martial artist and jazz saxophonist. No matter what the situation, you will find Suto in a fight using the most powerful weapon of all... his saxophone. And I don't mean he fights with the power of music. He literally fights using his saxophone. Expect to see him throwing his sax into someone's face real soon!
Way of the Sax was created completely with HTML5 and will be available on the web and for Android devices before it will be adapted for Windows 8, IOS devices and other platforms. But Bradbury and Gardiner need some help with their project – after all, indie creators are always looking for support. Please check out their Kickstarter and some of their other sites below. It will only cost you $1 on Kickstarter and you'll get complete access to the comic. Help them reach their goal of $500!