IDW Publishing News
44Flood Joins with IDW Publishing

44FLOOD is an artist collective which hasn’t been around for very long but has already established a reputation for producing wonderful art books. Now, the collective has joined with IDW Publishing. The publisher will be printing 44FLOOD’s future projects.
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Cartoon Network Crossover

IDW Publishing presents Super Secret Crisis War! which combines all of your favorite cartoon network characters in one epic crossover. The fate of the world lies in the hands of Samurai Jack, Ben 10, Dexter, the Powerpuff Girls and… Ed, Edd and Eddy?
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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Celebration

BBC Worldwide and IDW Publishing have been working together since 2007. Back in 2008, when IDW released Doctor Who: Agent Provocateur, they became the first American comic book publisher to publish original Doctor Who comic books.
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IDW Announces My Little Pony Series

Announced at Comic-Con international, IDW Publishing and Hasbro will be teaming up to make a My Little Pony series based on the crazily popular Hub animated TV show characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, loved by children and adult men (a.k.a. bronies) alike.
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IDW Games Division Announced

IDW Publishing has been releasing comic book series for 15 years. Now, they’ve decided to take another big step forward by launching a new division with the help of Pandasaurus Games: IDW Games.
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IDW Games Kill Shakespeare Artist Announced

IDW Publishing teamed up with Pandasaurus Games to launch IDW Games. The new division announced two board games that were planned. One of the titles that is going through this transformation is Kill Shakespeare, and the artists for this series’ board game have been announced.
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IDW Presents Godzilla: Monster World

Godzilla comes to comic stores near you in March. He will be joined for the first time ever by some of his past allies and enemies in Godzilla: Monster World, most notably Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah. The series will be published by IDW and Tokyo Co., written by co-writers Eric Powell (winner of the 2005 Eisner Award for the Goon) and Tracy Marsh. The art for the series will be done by Phil Hester. The first issue will also feature two covers, one wraparound cover by Eric Powell and the other by Alex Ross (artist for Kingdom Come and Justice).
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
IDW Publishing Takes a Trip to the Darkside… Tales from the Darkside that is!

The Eisner-award winning team for Locke & Key, Joe Hill (NOS4A2, Wraith) and Gabriel Rodriguez (Onyx), reunite in the revival of the former TV horror anthology series Tales from the Darkside. This will be a four issue comic book set in contemporary times.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
IDW to Publish Popeye

The sailor with a spinach fetish and burly arms is back! Thanks to IDW Publishing, Popeye will be returning in his own comic series. The series will be written by Roger Langridge.
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IDW Shrinks Down to Size in Richard Matheson’s Shrinking Man

IDW Publishing will be releasing a comic book adaptation of Richard Matheson’s science-fiction novel The Shrinking Man. The four issue mini-series will be written by IDW’s CEO/Publisher Ted Adams and the artwork will be handled by Mark Torres.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Jim Carrey & Eli Roth Adapt Horror Comic Aleister Arcane to Film

Back in 2004, IDW Publishing released the three issue mini-series Aleister Arcane. This horror series about a former TV horror host shunned into isolation and seeking revenge has been optioned for a film. Horror hound Eli Roth and funny man Jim Carrey will be a large part of its adaptation to the big screen.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Mars Attacks this May with their First Born

The Martian invasion has ended. Or has it? In their latest edition to the Mars Attacks universe, writer Chris Ryall (Angel, TMNT, Kiss) and artist Sam Kieth (The Maxx, Marvel Comics Presents) are planning a new mini-series – Mars Attacks: First Born.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Menton3's The Memory Collectors Limited Series Announced

Menton3 had haunting artwork in Transfusion #1 but in his latest three-issue limited series he’ll be handling both the artwork and the writing. This October, memories will be at risk in The Memory Collectors.
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Read the full news story here.
Political Horror Thriller The Eighth Seal Coming to Print

The First Lady of the United States has the pressures of not just the political spotlight but also the horrific visions she’s plagued with that seem to be seeping into reality. Will she overcome her demons and learn to live as the First Lady? Or will her fear cripple her? Find out in The Eighth Seal.
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Read the full news story here.
Ryall's Rockin' New Kiss Series

Remember Stan Lee’s Kiss comics from the 90s’? Chris Ryall, IDW Publishing’s Chief Creative Officer and Editor-in-Chief, certainly does. His passion is about to turn into a new line of Kiss comics published by IDW with Ryall writing parts of the project.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Second Ongoing TMNT Series Announced

The TMNT made their return to comics with an ongoing series started by IDW Publishing back in 2011. The series is still going strong and is currently on issue 58. Because of the high demand for the series, a second ongoing series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe, is in the works.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Steve Niles Returns to IDW with Frankenstein’s Monster and Jack the Ripper

Fan-favorite comic book creator Steve Niles (30 Days of Night, Ash and the Army of Darkness) will be returning to IDW Publishing with a new ongoing series. This March, Niles will be teaming up Frankenstein’s monster and Jack the Ripper in his three issue mini-series Monster & Madman.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Street Fighter X G.I. Joe Crossover

The world of G.I. Joe and Street Fighter collide in the IDW Publishing mini-series Street Fighter X G.I. Joe. The terrorist organization known as Cobra is teaming up in an “unholy alliance” with Bison and Shadaloo to take over the world.
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Read the full news story here.
True Blood's Second Comic Book Series

First a novel, than a hit TV-series, than a highly successful comic book that's first issue sold 47,000 copies. True Blood has vampire-lovers in their thrall with the adventures of telepathic Sookie Stackhouse and vampire Bill Compton. For the uninformed, True Blood is and will be published under the IDW logo. The second series is going to be written by Michael McMillian (an actual actor on the True Blood show – a.k.a. Reverend Steve Newlin) and Marc Andreyko with art done by Joe Corroney.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
The Untold History of Black Comic Books

IDW Publishing and Yoe books will be releasing The Untold History of Black Comic Books. This collection will include black characters from 1940s comic strips to black characters in modern day comic books. The book will include 200 pages of comic book stories that have never been reprinted before.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.
Wonder Woman Newspaper Strips Collected

Never before has the Wonder Woman newspaper strip from the 40s been collected. This August, with the help of DC Entertainment, IDW Publishing and the Library of American Comics are going to change that in Wonder Woman: The Complete Newspaper Comics.
Read the full news story here.
Read the full news story here.