Image Comics Announces Repulse
News by: Nicole D'Andria (Originally posted on April 30th, 2011)
After showing his artistic skills in his debut title Spawn, Szymon Kudranski has unveiled his latest project called Repulse, a dark science-fiction thriller.
Our scenario: Robots will remember their past life as a human being while helping to solve the worst crimes in history, but one detective must stop a serial killer from murdering the rest of his officers and stop him from destroying him. Kudranski is a rising star in the comic book world, greatly changing the visual style of Spawn and receiving great praise – people are anxious to read every new issue coming off the presses just for his artwork alone. In Repulse there will be a lot to look at with the comic spanning 72 pages in black-and-white. Part of Repulse will be in Diamond previews in May and it will go on sale June 6th for $6.99. For such a long issue the price sounds considerably better than the other big titles, and black-and-white is an interesting choice that will hopefully give Repulse a noir comic type of feel that, judging from the description, would fit quite well with the overall tone of the comic. I might just pick this up... |