I've interviewed a variety of fascinating people who are making big contributions to the comic book community--each in their own unique and creative way! I'm in the process of including these interviews, since I originally only linked back to them on Entertainment Fuse, which has since ceased to exist.
Brian Apodaca (Zombie Outlaw) Interview

Want a zombie comic with a college twist? Brian Apodaca shares some of his insight into such a series. Writer of Zombie Outlaw and Reunion, let’s find out more about these series and and the writer who made them!
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Ksenia Balabina (Signs and Voices) Interview

We previously talked to writer CJ Hurtt and artist Jorge Correa Jr about their series Signs and Voices, a comic book meant to expose the world at large to the deaf community by showing us sign language integrated into a world with superheroes. Now, let’s hear what Ksenia Balabina, the deaf translator and consultant of the series – who is also deaf herself – has to say about the series and her other outstanding contributions to the deaf community – plus more!
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Ashley Bentley (Branded) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Philip Bradbury (Way of the Sax) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Ted Brandt and Rosy Higgins (Princeless) Interview

Today I am interviewing the two members of the art team for Princeless Volume 3: Ted Brant and Rosy Higgins. Princeless Volume 3 is their first step into the comic book industry. Let’s see how they feel about their first official comic book project!
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Glen Brunswick (Non-Humans, Reality Check) Interview

I spoke with comic book writer Glen Brunswick. If you liked Non-Humans, Reality Check, Killing Girl, Jersey Gods or all of the above, he’s the man to thank for them!
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Rodrigo Caballero (Branded) Interview

“Comics with a Cause” is funding a web comic series to promote awareness about violence towards women. The inspiration behind the cause, Rod Caballero, is here to talk about the initiative and their upcoming web comic Branded.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Chris Callahan (Robochuck) Interview

Today we are speaking with comic book writer, artist and television art director Chris Callahan! His most recent comic book, RoboChuck, is available on comiXology. But for more information about him and his work, I spoke with him. Find out more in our interview below.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Donny Cates and Mark Reznicek (Buzzkill) Interview

Today I have two interviews for the click of one! Writers Donny Cates and Mark Reznicek are talking about their new comic book Buzzkill, a mini-series which debuted on September 18th, 2013, about a superhero who needs to become drunk or do drugs in order to activate his powers and is trying to go to Alcoholics Anonymous.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Daniel Chan (The Return of Jeremy Munroe) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Jason Goldsmith (Comicbin) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Dan Petersen (Comicbookroundup) Interview

The creator of the great comic book site which features some review mentions of myself and the rest of our Player Affinity staff, Dan Petersen, is here with me today to talk about his unique site. Be sure to check out his website!
Read the full interview here
Read the full interview here
Jorge Correa Junior (Signs and Voices) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Noah Dorsey (Non-Humans, Saint Chaos) Interview

Noah Dorsey is a writer who’s all too familiar with the comic book world. He was the co-creator of Non-Humans and has a new title coming out known as Saint Chaos. To get more insight into the new title and some of Dorsey’s other works from the past and future, check out my interview with him below.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Michael Edwards (The Return of Jeremy Munroe) Interview

Michael Edwards is one of many dedicated writers in the comic book world and he was nice enough to take the time and talk about his upcoming comic book The Return of Jeremy Munroe and shares some writing tips. Enjoy learning more about his work and how it came to be.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Glenn Farrington (comiXwriter) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Bradley Golden and Gary Mcclendon (Chess-Masters) Interview

Read the full interview on Comic Frontline.
Guy Hasson (Wynter, Goof) Interview

CJ Hurtt (Signs and Voices) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
J.L. Giles-Rivera and Gilbert Deltres (Under the Flesh) Interview

Under the Flesh is a new zombie comic book with a twist. Find out what makes this zombie apocalypse different and the team behind it. First up, the artist of Under the Flesh, J.L. Giles-Rivera.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Zsombor Huska (R.E.M., Saint Chaos) Interview

Last time we talked with Noah Dorsey, the writer of Saint Chaos, an upcoming comic book series about a dying man who decides to do some good in the world before a hit man he himself hired kills him. The person behind the awesomely eccentric artwork of Saint Chaos is Zsombor Huszka. He doubles as a comic book artist and a 2D animation director. Luckily, I got to find out more about what Huszka does and why he does it with this interview. Enjoy!
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Dan Jolley (Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine, Terminator: Enemy of my Enemy) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
David Kot (Face Value Comics) Interview

Today, I’m speaking with David Kot, the founder of the nonprofit organization known as Face Value Comics. Find out more about their organization, how their comic book will be increasing awareness of autism, how they are using Facial Action Coding System (FACS) in their comic book and more.
Read the full interview here.
Read the full interview here.
Nick Macari (The Working Writer’s Guide to Comics and Graphic Novels) Interview

I spoke to the writer of The Working Writer’s Guide to Comics and Graphic Novels, Nick Macari. Nick has been a part of the comic book industry since the late 90’s. He is a freelance comic book writer, story consultant, developmental editor, screenplay writer, novelist and ghostwriter. His book is meant to be a useful guide to writing comics. However, in my extensive interview with him we cover a variety of useful know-how for comic writers, from writing to publishing to even consulting on other people’s projects.
A Comic Maven's Archives original! Read the full interview here.
A Comic Maven's Archives original! Read the full interview here.
Ron Marz (Artifacts, Green Lantern, Velocity) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Jason McNamara and Greg Hinkle (The Rattler) Interview

The Rattler is an upcoming black-and-white graphic novel that will be released this March. This 104 page work is a horror story about Stephen Thorn. His fiancée has been missing for 10 years now. While never giving up on finding his fiancée, Stephen has become a bitter man and an advocate of victim’s rights. But he may be reaching his breaking point as he starts hearing voices and gets chased by his own organization. There’s murder and mystery as Stephen desperately tries to find his fiancée. I spoke with the creative team, writer Jason McNamara (First Moon) and artist Greg Hinkle (Airboy), in detail about the project.
Read the full interview on Comic Frontline.
Read the full interview on Comic Frontline.
Brandon Rhiness (Higher Universe Comics) Interview

Read the full interview on Comic Frontline.
Matthew Ritter (Nova Phase)
Matthew Ritter has written a couple comic books, including the ongoing Nova Phase which I recently reviewed and the graphic novel Retropunk. He has worked as a writer for several game companies including Telltale games and has contributed to the story of games like Walking Dead Season 2. Hear more about what it’s like to work in the video game and comic book industries in this interview.
Read the full interview here. |
Studio Farlaine (Farlaine the Goblin) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.
Marisa Stotter (She Makes Comics) Interview

Read the full interview on Comic Frontline.
Jeremy Whitley (Princeless Volume 1 & 2, The Order of Dagonet) Interview

Read the full interview here.
Jeremy Whitley (Princeless Volume 3) Interview

Read the full interview on Entertainment Fuse.