Comics that Should Become Movies
These are comic book movies that could've been but sadly... weren't. At least, not at the time I wrote these articles in which I wish for these movies and prophesies story lines and possible actors/actresses who could play the characters
we've seen in print.
we've seen in print.

Ever since this now renowned horror series hit the stands in 2007, the creators said it would become a movie. It’s 2011. Still no movie. With all the remakes now in the world of horror, people are begging to see some originality, and transferring this series from comics to a feature length film would be the perfect Halloween treat.
Read the full feature here.
Read the full feature here.
Spawn 2

After more than ten years circling in hell with Violator, Spawn 2 was dug up again by writer Todd McFarlane in 2009. He began writing a script for the anticipated sequel but said, “The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years.” McFarlane goes on to say, “The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary.”
Read the full feature here.
Read the full feature here.